Faith. Courage. Devotion.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes God as the ultimate source of existence, truth, and power. In the beginning God created in His image a perfect humanity, a perfection later marred by sin. Education in its broadest sense is a means of returning human beings to their original relationship with God. The distinctive characteristics of this Adventist worldview, built around creation, the fall, redemption, and re-creation, are derived from the Bible and the inspired writings of Ellen G. White.The aim of true education is to restore human beings into the image of God as revealed by the life of Jesus Christ. Only through the guidance of the Holy Spirit can this be accomplished. An education of this kind imparts far more than academic knowledge. It fosters a balanced development of the whole person—spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social-emotional—a process that spans a lifetime. Working together, homes, schools, and churches cooperate with divine agencies to prepare learners to be good citizens in this world and for eternity.
To provide opportunity for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to all the world. To develop the “whole person” concept in each student, educate them to accept service as a way of life, to be sensitive to the needs of people at home, at church, an in society.
For every learner to excel in faith, learning, and service, blending biblical truth and academic achievement to honor God and bless others.
Learners will choose to accept God as the Creator and the Redeemer.
Learners will grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s creation.
Learners will creatively apply their spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social-emotional knowledge.
Learners will demonstrate their commitment to the Creator through service to others.
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